Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Review: Tower of Dawn

Tower of Dawn Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Where do I even begin... Honestly, just as I expected, this was a novella that didn't need to become a full series book at all. The first quarter or third was just too much worldbuilding vomit, but as usual I got sucked in after that and managed to ignore most of the writing issues (see ACOWAR review and add: oh my god, stop starting sentences with "For").

I feel like the "big twist" was thrown in to justify the book's existence, and it didn't really work for me; anyone could have discovered that history literally anywhere, so why not just in the beginning of book 6? (This is still book 5.5 in my head, sorry.)

Characters...there were a lot. I guess we'll see them in the next book, which is going to be SUCH chaos (how many POVs are we at?). By the end I think I was fine with Yrene - although she wasn't really exceptional, she at least got a voice unlike Sartaq. (And by the way, I am SUPER annoyed that he (view spoiler)). Also, why did (view spoiler) with so much irrelevant backstory shoehorned in?

I think that's all I have to say. I might sound super negative, but I guess I still do enjoy these books because I can always be tempted by a brainless / convoluted fantasy romance. At this point I just want to go back to Manon, and Elide, and I guess Aedion & Lysandra too.

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Review: Tempests and Slaughter

Tempests and Slaughter Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Thanks Penguin Random House!! I just got my Tempests and Slaughter pin!
Will this photo work...??
tempests and slaughter pin

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For Christmas I got THREE of these hand-dyed mini skein sets from @xrayann on Etsy - what should I make?? #yarn #knitting #knittersofinstagram #colorwork